Queen Elizabeth II. Credit: PA/Buckingham Palace
Queen Elizabeth II. Credit: PA/Buckingham Palace

British Queen Elizabeth II dies

The British Queen Elizabeth II died at the age of 96.

70 years ago, she succeeded her father, King George, on the throne.

With such a long service, she holds the record among the rulers of the world.

The late Queen has been succeeded by her son, Prince Charles.

She was the Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as well as 14 other countries, including Australia, Canada, and Jamaica.

The role of the British king or queen is only symbolic, as all important decisions for the country are made by the government and Parliament.

The British queen was also famous for dresses and hats in pastel colors. Credit: Wikimedia Commons
The British queen was also famous for dresses and hats in pastel colors. Credit: Wikimedia Commons

For example, on Monday, the Queen appointed Liz Truss as the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, but this had already been decided by the politicians. Also, every year she reads a speech in Parliament that has been written for her by the ministers.

Many British people consider the monarchy outdated, but they have respected the dedication with which their queen carried out royal duties throughout her life, even in old age.

She especially endeared herself to the British during difficult times. She inspired them with courage and hope.

During the pandemic, she addressed them several times on television and encouraged them not to give up.

Her life was filled with many commitments at home and around the world. In her free time, she liked to work with horses and dogs.

Although details from her private life have rarely been made public, other members of the royal family took care of juicy media stories. The divorce of Prince Charles from Princess Diana echoed around the world and, even more so, the death of Princess Diana in a car accident.

Many books and several documentaries have been made about the Queen’s life. Among the most famous is the Netflix series, The Crown.

Points to Consider

  1. Which forms of government do you know about?
  2. Why do many say that the death of Queen Elizabeth II is an end of an era?
  3. When did Elizabeth I reign?


The original version of this article was published on September 9th.

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