Na dan črnega petka poteka tudi dan brez nakupov, dan protesta proti pretiranemu potrošništvu. Foto: Adobe Stock
Na dan črnega petka poteka tudi dan brez nakupov, dan protesta proti pretiranemu potrošništvu. Foto: Adobe Stock

Black Friday came to Slovenia from the USA

You know the shopping frenzy at the end of November, when everyone rushes to the stores for amazing sales? Yes, it’s Black Friday, the day of crazy discounts!

This shopping holiday originates from the USA, where it is called Black Friday. It is always the Friday after the American Thanksgiving, which is always on the 4th Thursday of November. At that time, for one day, retailers drastically reduce prices and offer deep discounts, so consumers flock to stores.

It also heralds the start of the Christmas shopping season!

After Black Friday on the following Saturday, there is also a Buy Nothing Day every year – an informal international day of protest against excessive consumerism.

What does Rebecca Svetina, an American living in Slovenia, think about Black Friday?

Rebecca Svetina.  Photo: personal archive
Rebecca Svetina. Source: personal archive

I have been living in Slovenia for 14 years. When I arrived, no one here knew about Black Friday. It appeared gradually.

How is it different from the American Black Friday?

I actually think it’s kind of funny that Slovenes call it “Black Friday” since its point is to be the day that follows Thanksgiving.

Slovenia doesn’t have Thanksgiving, so the name doesn’t make much sense.

Instead of Black Friday, bargain shopping days should simply be called holiday sales!

Rebecca Svetina

What is the American Black Friday tradition?

There are several stories about the origin of Black Friday. But it really took off as a major shopping event around 1980.

What about the name, where does it come from?

The term comes from accounting: when a company is in debt, its bank balance is “in the red,” but when it is making a profit, it is “in the black.”

Black Friday is the time when all the stores that have been operating at a loss during the year (“in the red”) can finally make a profit (“in the black”). Hence the name – Black Friday!

Rebecca Svetina

Points to Consider

  1. Will you be shopping on Black Friday this year?
  2. Do you think “Buy Nothing Day” is a better idea?
  3. What do you do with stuff you’ve bought when you stop using them?


The original version of this article was published on 25th November, 2022.

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Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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