Artificial intelligence has recently advanced tremendously.
This is seen in extremely capable chatbots such as ChatGPT.
You can talk to AI via typing in the same way as you do with other people, explains Dr. Tea Tušar from the Jožef Stefan Institute.
AI can answer questions, write new lyrics, and even new songs.
That’s why teachers fear that robots will do homework instead of students.
Tea Tušar
Copying other people’s texts – even those of robots – is not allowed at school.
But this does not mean that artificial intelligence cannot be used resourcefully for learning.
AI can ask math problems or history questions, so it acts as a robotic classmate that helps you prep for a test, she adds.
AI should be used cautiously because sometimes it generates misinformation. It doesn’t know everything and has been known to just make up the missing information.
You have to take everything it says with a grain of salt and always fact check. Grammatical errors in texts are also common, especially with Slovene which is still lesser known to AI.
Tea Tušar
Its fabrications and mistakes are not intentional or malice.
It has no will of its own and in itself is neither good nor bad.
It just imitates people and our way of expressing ourselves.
It knows what it has learned from the vast amount of human texts.
Scientists are aware of its pitfalls. Like any other tool, it can be used for good or bad purposes.
They are trying to adjust it to the needs and desires of people so that it does not harm us.
The chatbot won’t tell you the instructions for crafting a weapon, even though it knows them. It also avoids certain jokes and offensive topics.
What will artificial intelligence bring us?
This is difficult to predict, according to Dr. Tea Tušar.
“Probably more good than bad – similar to what happened with other technologies.”
Points to Consider
- What do you think artificial intelligence will bring?
- Which ways of using it do you know?
- Should it be legislated?
The original version of this article was published on July 17th.