Etični hekerji varujejo pred zlorabami. Vir: Pixabay
Etični hekerji varujejo pred zlorabami. Vir: Pixabay

An ethical hacker advises how to protect against online abuse

These days, as we work and study from home, we are also receiving numerous announcements that we need to pay attention to online security.

Hackers are even more likely to invade computer networks and cause damage. The ethical hacker Edvin Rustemagić of SIQ  advises on how to protect yourself.

Edvin Rustemagić. Vir: Osebni arhiv
Edvin Rustemagić. Credit: Personal Archive

We’ve heard about ordinary hackers, but who are ethical hackers?

Ethical hackers think, act and use the same tools as typical hackers.

The difference is that we are not harming companies, but helping them to identify the vulnerabilities and security flaws of their information systems.

Why did you become an ethical hacker?

Back in elementary school, I was fascinated with computer science and hacking. It began with writing research papers on viruses and antivirus programs and gaining knowledge on the social networks of the time.

When I found out in high school that the ethical hacker profession actually exists and that I can do whatever hackers do, and at the same time contribute to enhancing information security, my life changed.

What is your working day like?

Every working day is different. On Monday, for example, I could check the security of the servers, on Tuesday the security of the banking application, and on Wednesday I could try to forge emails.

People in my field are never bored.

What do children need to be paying attention to these days?

Do not give anyone personal information, name, password, home address … Do not post pictures without parental permission or speak to strangers.

Don’t open messages from someone you don’t know. Do not upload anything to your computer without parental permission.

Immediately alert a trusted adult to inappropriate messages and content.

I also suggest a time limit for using the interenet, because now is the perfect time to connect and do things that you usually don’t have time for.

Points to Consider

  1. Have you come across inappropriate content? 
  2. What have you done then?
  3. Why hacking seems very cool to children?


The original version of this article was published on April 6th.

English translation courtesy of JL FlannerTotal Slovenia News, an English language website with news from and about Slovenia.


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