Časoris in English. Foto: Sonja Merljak/Časoris
Časoris in English. Foto: Sonja Merljak/Časoris

About Časoris in English

In this section of Časoris we will publish a selection of articles in English.

This way we would like to present our writings also to international readers.

English translation is courtesy of JL Flanner, Total Slovenia News, an English language website with news from and about Slovenia.

Časoris is Slovenia’s newspaper for kids.

It provides timely, relevant news articles for children, teachers in the classroom and parents at home.

With Časoris we’re trying to help them to understand the news, to critically think about what they’re reading, and to apply their knowledge to the real world.

Every article is accompanied by questions for additional reflection and a glossary.

In a special section we also publish additional information for parents and teachers.


Merljak Zdovc je urednica Časorisa. Je zelo radovedna in rada spoznava ljudi in njihove zgodbe. Veliko piše in včasih posname tudi kakšen video. Vesela bo, če ji pišeš.

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