Šolsko leto 2024/25 prinaša kar nekaj novosti. Foto: Monkey Business Images/Dreamstime
Šolsko leto 2024/25 prinaša kar nekaj novosti. Foto: Monkey Business Images/Dreamstime

A new school year brings new friendships

In Slovenia today marks the end of the summer vacation, which was ten weeks long.

It’s an extra-special day for the first-graders, who will step into their elementary school for the first time. In Slovenia, there are more than twenty thousand first-graders!

Other elementary and high school students are going back to school.

Some of you are eagerly waiting to see your classmates again, and others are looking forward to meeting new friends.

The new school year brings some changes.

All first-graders will be required to learn either English or German this year.

And this year also third graders in Slovenia will take the national assessment test (NPZ). Until now, only sixth and ninth-grade students have had to take the exam.

Ninth graders will be informed about the results of the NPZ on June 15. Photo: Syda Productions/Dreamstime
Photo: Syda Productions/Dreamstime

The Slovenian national assessment test (NPZ) will check students’ reading and math skills. This is no surprise given the poor results recently in reading literacy.

But it will also be important for students who are finishing elementary school in ninth grade.

An extended extracurricular program will be implemented at some schools, while others will start it in the coming years.

There’s even news coming to your plate! From now on in Slovenia, there will be more legumes and less processed food in school lunches.

With all change – some will be happy, and some will not.

But there is news that will definitely excite everyone.

There is a long, festive vacation in December. In Slovenia, the school break will last from December 25th to January 5th, which is a whole twelve days!

We wish you a successful school year!

Points to Consider

  1. What is your ideal first day of school?
  2. Do the changes also apply to you?
  3. What did you miss the most during summer vacation?


The original version of this article was published on 2nd September.

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je novinarka in mama dveh odraščajočih deklet, ki svoj prosti čas najraje nameni športu. Rada ima sneg, še raje valove, najraje pa pleza nekje v naravi.


Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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