Foto: Gasilci Mozirje/STA
Foto: Gasilci Mozirje/STA

A large part of Slovenia was affected by floods

The weather is causing more and more problems this summer.

Slovenia was lashed by heavy rains Thursday night. Extensive floods affected a large part of Slovenia.

The rainfall is not over yet, warns the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for the Environment (ARSO). A red warning was issued for most of the country.

Conditions are the worst in the regions of Gorenjska, Koroška (Carinthia), and Štajerska. Rivers are dangerously rising in Dolenjska as well.  


Emergency sirens sounded in many places.

People are being rescued from flooded houses by firefighters and members of the civil defense, and in some places even by helicopter.

Časoris journalist Saša Petejan, who lives in Škofja Loka, says that the situation is very serious.

The center of the city is flooded. It is bad at the confluence of the Poljanska and Selška Sora rivers. The torrents grew. Interventions have been going on since four in the morning. We have been left without drinking water, and bottled water has also run out in some places.

Saša Petejan

Roads were flooded in the regions of Koroška, Štajerska, and central Slovenia. Many areas are cut off from the world.

Swollen rivers wash away roads, bridges, cars, and houses.

The Sava, Sora, Savinja, and Drava rivers have broken their banks. Experts expect that the Krka and Dravinja will begin to flood as well.

The fact that the Vihra Plan has been activated shows that the situation is extremely serious.

This plan activates all the available forces of the Slovenian Army in the event of a natural disaster.

There are currently 250 soldiers on the ground.

What do you do if the rivers flood where you are?

  • Do not go near flooded rivers, because it can be fatal!
  • Don’t step into rushing water, even if it’s only up to your knees.
  • Follow the instructions of civil protection, firefighters, and other competent authorities.
  • If water has flooded your house, retreat to the upper floor and call for help.
  • Always save lives first, property second.
Instructions from the Municipality of Celje.  Source: MOC
Instructions from the Municipality of Celje. Source: MOC


To activate means to put into action.

For parents and teachers

How to talk about tragedies

Points to Consider

  1. What causes unpredictable weather?
  2. Do you know how to act in case of other natural disasters?
  3. Where can you seek shelter if a storm catches you by surprise while outdoors?


The original version of this article was published on August 4th.

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Svetina is an English translator, EFL educator, and graphic designer. She is an American who has lived in Slovenia since 2008. She loves hiking and traveling with her family.

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